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Give that which is freely given.

On my birthday I got an extravagant gift from a friend. It was unexpected because this man currently has very little, and it was a great sacrifice for him. I immediately told him to take it back, but knew that he would not.

Then, last week, we had a woman who is dear to us watch our pets while we were away. We decided to pay her as much as we could because we love her and want to bless her, only to have her repeatedly refuse to take any money. It makes no sense because she could use it (and we will eventually make her take it) but we are awestruck by her desire to be generous to us. She only says that she has received so much love from our family that she can never repay us.

There is a dynamic in life, those who have an overflow give, and this is not tied to material wealth; if anything, it seems as those with great material wealth have an inverse relationship to this flow (a gross observation, there are certainly exceptions). This is the story of the widow's mite.

In contrast, a close friend confided in me that he cannot receive any empathy from someone he loves when he tried to restore a broken relationship. His vulnerability and sharing about his painful condition with this person was met with a response of something along the lines, "everyone is suffering let's move on." I explained to him that people cannot give what they do not have to give.

Made me think of how remarkable it was that Jesus would come into our mess, he knew how broken we all were, knew it was our own fault, and he walked with us, he healed us, he had compassion on us, he loved us, he poured into us. Thank God we have a high priest who sympathizes with us in our weakness (Hebrews 4).

Don't ever fall for the trap of comparing sufferings.

Don't become calloused to the needs of those around you.

I realize the world is heavy, it is hard to look around and know how to operate. In fact, without God, I don't see a way for someone to do this. Only when we are yoked with Jesus does the burden become light, does it become possible to be generous, even to one's enemies. A light in the darkness.

My friend and my petsitter--they gave not because I've done any great thing for them, but because God has worked through our family to bless them in ways we hardly understand. God has inclined us toward them, to listen to them, walk with them, care for them, pray for them, and serve them. Eagerly, willingly, without desire for personal gain.

Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Matthew 20:28

There is no greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends. John 15:13

Is God being extravagant through you? If you have the Holy Spirit, he must be, it is his very nature.

Are you seeing a flow of generosity all around you? You should, it is the lifeblood of a life worth living.

These words do not express the joy in our hearts over these occasions, and they have a snowball effect as we seek to outdo one another in showing honor!