Meat from Heaven
I went hunting first and foremost for the meat. Potentially 80-100lbs is very attractive for a family of six on a tight budget.
I came home empty handed but felt a strong sense of God's providence the whole time, as I have been more lately.
I was due to drop a load of firewood to a brother who is a Godly man, a leader of missionaries. He said I've been coming to mind lately and that he's praying for me. I asked him to tell me if any verses or thoughts have come to mind.
When I dropped the wood he said two things, he senses things are going to change soon, a new season, and that he should give me some meat from his surplus.
This is the Kingdom of God. One brother not knowing another is praying for a new season and praying for meat and yet encouraging him with those very words, that very thing.
Praise God for the small things, the manna, the meat, the seasons when we learn to be sustained by others, which humble us and teach us the lowely ways of God, who alone sustains us all to begin with.
Big juicy smashburgers are on the menu for tonight - thanks brother Mike!
UPDATE 12/17 - I got a Facebook message from a butcher who saw my post above and offering us two deer that weren’t picked up as well as 4 lbs of jalapeno sausage and 4 lbs of cheese sausage. I've literally never had this much meat in my life. Just a wild answer to prayer. PRAISE GOD!