Unbelievable Confrontation on A Plane
I had only a few hours of sleep ahead of my 07:05a flight to Atlanta, and wasn't in the mood to talk. When the woman sat down next to me and joked that she was "a whole lotta woman" and that we'd "become close on this flight", I smiled politely then closed my eyes and fell asleep.
When I awoke 45 minutes later, I was surprised when this same woman turned to me and said this..
"What kind of work do you do?"
I said with some hesitation, knowing this makes sense to almost nobody, "consulting...in the Church."
She replied, "You're about to have an increase. I see a lot of progress coming on deals that you have been working on."
"Wow, interesting that you should say that, especially now," was my retort. Then I asked, "Why did you just say that?"
"Because I've been praying, and I feel strongly God wants me to tell you that. I'm a seer, when I pray I see things."
Then I thanked her, and I told her that it meant a lot to me. As we deplaned, I gave her a big hug as I marveled to her that we, strangers who'd never met, could have this kind of exchange and even call each other brother and sister.
She agreed, hugged me, and we went our separate ways.
I share this because:
- These kind of occurrences, this deeply moving “Intel” and encouragement just didn’t happen to me prior to following Jesus
- It happens now, increasingly so, as I grow in my faith
- Following Jesus is full of surprises, often from complete strangers who can quickly become your "brother or sister," your family, in Christ.