Adventures in Faith

I'm A Toddler Spiritually

Came to realize, as I have been instructing my two sons (age 3 and 19 months) that spiritually I'm a toddler.

I documented this humbling lesson in sanctification online here:

As I've reflected on the truths in this lesson, and the way forward, I realized how rich it is, and found myself thanking God for my children, and recognizing some ways he might be calling me to grow up.

A few that came up quickly as I discussed this with my wife include:

-I need to not be so grumpy when I'm tired, this is self-discipline

-I need to be more careful with my words

-I need to listen to what God is telling me to do, and just do it! For example, God told me BEFORE Boden was born, 3 years ago, to learn songs to sing to him, and I still know only songs like "Jesus Loves Me." Again, toddler status.

-I need to wake up and not just start running around, but need to spend time before God.

-I need to know God's rules and mandates and meditate on them to have any hope of obeying them.


This is a work in progress, more to come, hopefully graduating to a pre-schooler in the next months and years!