
Workplace, Poetry

My 1st Visit to the United Nations: A 51-Tweet Story

Just got back to Philly after my 1st visit to the UN where I was so struck by the place that I put pen to paper while there to document the choice bits and pieces. Well, to be honest and very transparent, apropos of the occasion, then you should know I didn't use an actual pen, alas you get the idea. I hope to get back there again I have never felt so united it makes me want to tell the nations, hence this post, without further delay...


I'm Leaving Silicon Valley to Work for a Very Silicon Valley Firm

I’m elated to announce that mid-June I will join the Geneva Global team HQ on Philadelphia’s Main Line to help grow the customer-centered service approach as well as deepen existing and forge new relationships.

Here's an infographic on the trajectory of my career, how it hits Geneva Global, and a bit about this one-of-a-kind company:

I’ll continue to connect with the amazing network of leaders I’ve met in the San Francisco Bay Area as well as in Seattle, Boston, New York, and Washington D.C. I’m very interested in connecting with individuals, families, foundations, and corporations who want to see their philanthropic investments applied and leveraged in the smartest way possible.

Want to know more about Geneva Global’s innovative approach? Contact me to arrange for a chat and a free copy of Doing Good Great, by CEO Doug Balfour.

Please note, given this new beginning and a focus on my growing family, I will be incredibly selective with personal consulting engagements.